🚨 Putin is a war criminal. Russians are bombing hospitals. πŸ’”πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

Go is not a simple language

I still love Go and it’s the best language I’ve used - but like in mature relationships, I’ve aware of both the good and bad parts of the relationship.

Go is still, compared to many popular languages, simpler language - but many times when people claim Go is a simple language what is being implied is that Go is minimalistic & it scoffs at unnecessary features.

This post is about where Go fails at minimalism. I.e. these are features I think a truly “simple” language should not have.

Note: I’m actually for Go to add generics, pattern matching, enums and not a hardcore “Go should be simple” -type of person. So I’m not advocating for Go to be hardcore simple - these are mainly my observations for:

  • where Go could have been simpler
  • OR where said feature is totally reasonable, but is necessarily not simple or easy to understand

I’ve had this article as a draft for quite some time, but yesterday’s post of Dave Cheney’s prompted me to finally finish this, probably due to these quotes:

Go holds simplicity as a core value. (…) Go is a simple language, only 25 keywords. (…) We want to optimise our code to be clear to the reader.

Package import path different than package name

Most of the time it goes like this:

import (

func main() {

You can deduce the package name from the import path. E.g. import "foo/bar/systemdinstaller" is usually systemdinstaller.

BUT, it’s only usually - not always.

This behaviour is really prevalent. Guess the names of these packages:

import (

func main() {
	// correct answers

Note: I am not complaining about the ability to alias the import (there needs to be a way to mitigate collisions) - that’s a different matter. I’m just saying there shouldn’t be a way for reusable package authors to export a different name than the import path is.

func foo(a, b, c string)

Yeah it’s fast to type when all of the params have the same type, but this it somewhat rarely used magic syntax that one has to be aware of when reading code.

It’s cute, sure - I’ve even used it many times, out of laziness, despite feeling like I need to take a shower after typing that out.

But I don’t think the feature carries its own weight.

goto <label> (and break <label>) support

See example use case.

I’ve cranked out a metric shit-ton of Go code (see my professional GitHub profile and my personal GitHub profile), and not once have I needed to reach out for goto or labeled break.

The closest I’ve come to needing those was to break out of for { select { } } here but instead I opted for a return inside an immediately-executing function expression.

I also could have opted in for a simple variable but it would have been a few more lines of code.

Bonus reading: Dijkstra on GOTO.

new keyword

Another keyword I don’t think I’ve used even once.

These are basically the same:

struct personGreeter {
	name string

func main() {
	bar1 := &personGreeter{}
	bar2 := new(personGreeter)

Why two ways to do the same thing?

new is even inferior because you can’t initialize members at the same time like this:

bar1 := &personGreeter{name: "Joonas"}

Naked return

This sounds sexy, but it’s not. This is another one of those features that don’t carry its own weight.

Example usage from Ardan Labs:

func ReturnId() (id int, err error) {
   id = 10

   if id == 10 {
      err := fmt.Errorf("Invalid Id\n")


That is the same as:

func ReturnId() (int, error) {
   id := 10

   if id == 10 {
      // actually this is even better, since our error case
      // returns explicit "garbage ID" (instead of 10)
      return 0, fmt.Errorf("Invalid Id\n")

   return id, nil

Also note, that we are no longer reassigning to “id” variable. One nice thing about Go that I like is that you’ve to be explicit about reassigning values to variables (:= vs =). Immutability makes things safer and simpler. Immutability is sexy. Naked returns are not.

I always read id = ... as a bit dangerous looking, since it warns me that the value of the variable is different during its lifetime. The original example was under the hood more like this:

func ReturnId() (id int, err error) {
   var id int // basically id := 0
   id = 10

   if id == 10 {
      err := fmt.Errorf("Invalid Id\n")


Now of course this example still doesn’t look too dangerous, but imagine in real world code there could be lots of lines before the id = 10 is reassigned.

Octal number support

This might look familiar:

ioutil.WriteFile("hello.txt", []byte("hello world\n"), 0755)

Numbers starting with 0<more digits> are octal numbers. Basically it encodes three bits in a one (base 10) digit.

I personally haven’t seen octal numbers used for anything else than “chmod bits” i.e. owner bits + group bits + other bits. 0755 therefore decodes to:

  • Owner = read, write, execute
  • Group = read, execute
  • Other = read, execute

Since the “chmod bit groups” is just a single int under the hood, why not just have a function for generating the int? Something like func FilePerms(owner uint8, group uint8, other uint8) int that you could still call like this:

FilePerms(7,5,5) // looks familiar enough

// or even:
FilePerms(RWX, RX, RX)

I’m sounding like a broken record, but… this feature doesn’t carry its own weight.

Recent number literal addition

A new proposal landed that:

  • Expands the octal number support from 0755 to also include 0o755 (also 0o7_5_5 because YOLO?)

  • Allows you two write 1000000 as 1_000_000

    • Not necessarily a bad thing for readability, though
  • Added binary literals: 0b1000 (8 in decimal). Also 0b1_0_0_0

  • Makes this a legal number: 0x_A_A.d_bp8i (hat tip: Francesc Campoy)

All in all, these make the language more complex and not simple, but I mainly criticize adding more support to octal numbers.

I think adding complexity is very ok if the feature carries its own weight.

Language-level support for side-effect imports

Go compiler errors if you import a package you’re not explicitly using (I think this is very good). This means though that you cannot compile code that imports a package only for side effects, unless you use a special syntax to tell the compiler “yes, this is what I want”. This is the syntax: import _ "path/to/module".

I get that side effects can be useful sometimes.. But side effects are somewhat often used in Go’s stdlib (more of this later). This looks like the language gives first-class support for doing something that should be frowned upon. I think there just could’ve been a warning suppression through an annotation syntax or a more shameful keyword like import _side_effects "path/to/module" :D.

import . "something"

This will import all of package’s identifiers so instead of something.Foo you can just use Foo.

I don’t know of any code that uses this, and in fact I learned of this just today. This kind of magic makes it harder for people to read code because you’ve to know all of the syntax’s intricacies to understand. Code should be optimized for reading.

Easy to make mistakes with range pointers

Honestly, this is a rookie level mistake but I’ll confess that even after years of Go coding, I got bitten by this and I realize it’s embarrassing because this is a pretty basic programming language thing and I should have known better.

But, I still wish the language didn’t allow me to make the mistake. A demo:

// takes a non-pointer string, and returns a pointer to it
func stringToStringPointer(input string) *string { return &input }

func main() {
	ptrs1 := []*string{}
	ptrs2 := []*string{}

	for _, x := range []string{"foo", "bar"} {
		// since we need to take pointer from "x",
		// it's clearly a non-pointer?
		ptrs1 = append(ptrs1, &x)

		// also non-pointer because we can give "x"
		// to non-pointer arg in fn as-is?
		ptrs2 = append(ptrs2, stringToStringPointer(x))

	fmt.Printf("ptrs1[0] = %s\n", *ptrs1[0])
	fmt.Printf("ptrs1[1] = %s\n", *ptrs1[1])

	fmt.Printf("ptrs2[0] = %s\n", *ptrs2[0])
	fmt.Printf("ptrs2[1] = %s\n", *ptrs2[1])

This prints out:

ptrs1[0] = bar
ptrs1[1] = bar
ptrs2[0] = foo
ptrs2[1] = bar

Because you have to be aware, that even when “x” looks and behaves like a non-pointer, it’s a pointer under the hood (presumably for optimization for range operations)

I had an actual issue related to this, producing a hard-to-debug problem, but I’m glad I was able to find a lint rule for it.

Conditional compilation syntax

This works:

// +build !windows

package sshagent

This is silently ignored (tries to build on Windows):

// +build !windows
package sshagent

Also this is ignored:

//+build !windows
package sshagent

To be fair, static analysis tool $ go vet finds both of these errors. But not this:

//build !windows
package sshagent

If the syntax is as unstructured as this (“structure inside unstructured comment”), I’d appreciate if mistakes were not this easy to make.

defer behaviour

defer is used as kind-of (from other languages) with () {} or finally {} structure for all kinds of “ensure cleanup no matter where from I exit in this function”:

  • Close opened file
  • Rollback DB transaction
  • Unlock mutex etc.

I have nothing against defer. But I’ll argue it’s not simple you having to be aware of these caveats:

func say(stuff string) {

func main() {
	defer say("msg 1")
	defer say("msg 2")

Prints msg 2 first. Also, can you spot the bug:

func logic1(tx *transaction) error {
	defer tx.Rollback()

	tx.Execute("UPDATE users SET ...")
	return tx.Commit()

func logic2(tx *transaction) {
	// add error logging if rollback fails
	defer logIfError(tx.Rollback())

	tx.Execute("UPDATE users SET ...")
	return tx.Commit()

func logIfError(err error) {
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("ERROR: %v", err)

Only in logic2 the transaction is rolled back, before the tx.Execute() call.

Typed vs untyped nil

Guess what this outputs:

type Greeter interface {

type helloer struct {}
func (h *helloer) Greet() { fmt.Println("hello") }

func newGreeter1() Greeter {
	var x *helloer
	return x

func newGreeter2() *helloer {
	var x *helloer
	return x

func newGreeter3() Greeter {
	var x Greeter
	return x

func main() {
	// all of the greeters sematically return nil and something that implements Greeter
	fmt.Printf("newGreeter1 nil: %v\n", newGreeter1() == nil)
	fmt.Printf("newGreeter2 nil: %v\n", newGreeter2() == nil)
	fmt.Printf("newGreeter3 nil: %v\n", newGreeter3() == nil)

It outputs:

newGreeter1 nil: false
newGreeter2 nil: true
newGreeter3 nil: true

More about this on Dave Cheney’s post

One has to reach for reflection to detect nil in all cases.

In real world code I had a case like this recently that crashed at runtime:

// should have been:
//   var transport http.RoundTripper
var transport *http.Transport 
if true { // this expression was of course dynamic in my code
	transport = &http.Transport{
		TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
			ServerName: "foo",
return &backend{&httputil.ReverseProxy{
	Transport: transport,

RoundTripper is an interface, and *http.Transport is its concrete implementation. ReverseProxy takes RoundTripper but I gave it *http.Transport - it compiles and everything should be good, right? No, it crashed at runtime because the value of my fucking variable was nil and not at-runtime-typed nil. (β•―Β°β–‘Β°)β•―οΈ΅ ┻━┻

Semi-unstructured struct member annotations

To encode a struct as JSON, we can control the key name in JSON - with a struct member annotation:

type person struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`

func main() {
	asJson, _ := json.Marshal(&person{Name: "Joonas"})
	fmt.Printf("%s\n", asJson)

Prints {"name":"Joonas"} - this is what we wanted.

What if you forget quotes from the annotation?

type person struct {
	Name string `json:name`

It builds and JSON now incorrectly prints {"Name":"Joonas"}. To be fair, even though the compiler is happy, Go’s static analysis tool $ go vet finds this error.

How about a typo in the annotation:

type person struct {
	Name string `jon:"name"`

The compiler and static analysis are happy, with incorrect result.

How about other annotations given to JSON encoder?

type person struct {
	Name       string `json:"name"`
	Occupation string `json:"occupation"`

func main() {
	asJson, _ := json.Marshal(&person{Name: "Joonas"})
	fmt.Printf("%s\n", asJson)

Prints {"name":"Joonas","occupation":""}. What if we want the occupation key to be omitted if the value is empty? This is know as omitempty flag to JSON encoder:

type person struct {
	Name       string `json:"name"`
	Occupation string `json:"occupation,omitempty"`

Now correctly prints {"name":"Joonas"}. What if we typo it:

type person struct {
	Name       string `json:"name"`
	Occupation string `json:"occupation,omltempty"`

Incorrectly prints {"name":"Joonas"} while the compiler and static alazyer are happy.

My gripe is that the annotations are not structural enough to prevent easy mistakes.

var keyword

I find needing this somewhat rarely. The common reason I need it for is to have a nil pointer:

var person *Person
if personName != "" {
	person = NewPerson(personName)

But you can do the same with this:

person := (*Person)(nil)
if personName != "" {
	person = NewPerson(personName)

Again, why two ways to do the same thing?

The other place var is needed for is package-level variables - i.e. global mutable state. A point could be made about globals (and Go’s stdlib uses too much of it - more on this later) but pragmatically speaking I get that there’s sometimes a need for them.

Other idiosyncrasies in stdlib

Leave hard security details to callers

Why am I talking about issues in stdlib? One could argue this is no longer about programming language itself? Fair point, but I think language’s standard library is somewhat part of the language - at least an integral part to its ecosystem. And the stdlib should be a good example for the ecosystem to follow. Quote from Dave’s article:

APIs should be easy to use and hard to misuse.

I recently came upon a really popular file archiver/compression/decompression Go-based project that had (and still has) a serious path traversal vulnerability.

Upon digging, I found from Go’s archive/zip docs that the responsibility is just outsourced to the caller - leading to vulnerable software because the API is easy to misuse dangerously (the vulnerability can usually easily be used to gain remote access):

When reading zip files, the Name field is populated from the zip file directly and is not validated for correctness. It is the caller’s responsibility to sanitize it as appropriate, including canonicalizing slash directions, validating that paths are relative, and preventing path traversal through filenames ("../../../").

To make matters worse, archive/tar doesn’t warn of this security issue (consistency), leaving some - including me, to deduce archive/tar maybe doesn’t suffer from this issue. But archive/tar is vulnerable too.

What could have been done better? Path traversal below root of the archive is almost always a red flag and probably is needed in 0.01 % of the cases. “But in some cases you need unsanitized low-level access to the archive”? There could have been a flag for those cases, think:

zip.NewReader(file, zip.DontErrorOnInsecurePathTraversal)

Or if the problem’s much harder, at least the file’s Name string could have been of a different type like type TaintedFilepath string that you’d have to un-taint by piping it through stdlib or 3rd party provided function. And if you really wanted “safety=off” just cast it to string.

Stdlib encourages for global state / side effects

A few from top of my head:

  • Importing net/http/pprof attaches HTTP handlers
  • image.Decode() can open PNG files if any of your packages (or your dependencies) has imported (at least for side effect) image/png etc.
  • net/http has a default router (net/http.DefaultServeMux) that any code can attach handlers to via side effects (I mention pprof again), and code examples in net/http encourage use of this global default router.

net/http package defaults

  • Not common-case defaults
  • Though I understand, the package is older part of the codebase and must keep backwards compat
    • In this regard, the package has aged amazingly well (gaining transparent HTTP2 support etc.)

Non-POSIX compliant flag package

I really wanted to love the flag package since I believe it benefits the entire ecosystem to have one quality package everyone agrees to use so there aren’t 10 competing implementations everyone has to spend time researching and vetting.

But the flag package is just too weird to be loved - it’s different than practically every CLI we’re used to. This is what we’re used to:

$ foo --help
  -u, --broker-url string   Broker URL (default "localhost")
  -c, --client-id string    MQTT Client Id
  -r, --reticulate bool     Reticulate
  -s, --splines bool        Splines also

$ foo --broker-url localhost

Instead, the flag package makes your CLIs look like:

$ foo --help
  -broker-url  string
               Broker URL (default "localhost")
  -client-id   string
               MQTT Client Id
  -reticulate  Reticulate
  -splines     Splines also

One dash? Sure, it supports -- also, but it doesn’t support having both a short option and a long option that we’re used to. In the first (good) example these are equivalent:

$ foo --broker-url localhost
$ foo -u localhost

Also, flag doesn’t support combining boolean flags. E.g. what we’re used to with extracting TAR archives:

$ tar -xzf example.tar.gz

# same as
$ tar -x -z -f example.tar.gz

# same as
$ tar --extract --gzip --file example.tar.gz


No conclusion - I just vomited what I felt could have been simpler. Take it however you will.

Thanks for reading this far. πŸ’–

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